B.I.B.L.E. = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth?

Put this one in the myths about the Bible category:

You might have heard this one before: Bible = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

I’ve actually discussed this little phrase more than once with people in one-on-one conversations, but it came to mind recently in two situations. First, one of my teachers entitled a course syllabus as the ‘Course Bible.’ Second, one of my textbooks is known as ‘the Bible of _______.’  These two uses of the word propagate a false view of the Bible. That false view is epitomized in the ‘Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth’ idea.

So, what’s wrong with these uses of the word Bible? They portray the Bible as a book primarily of instructions, advice, and proverbs. But isn’t that what the Bible is? The Bible contains instructions and proverbs to be sure, but this is not what the Bible is.

The Bible is the story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. The Bible is the story of how a holy God reconciles a sinful people to himself, and will ultimately restore the entire creation to perfection, through the person and work of Jesus Christ. The Bible is about Jesus – it is his story. The creation points you to him, the characters point you to him, the law points you to him, the proverbs point you to him, the prayers point you to him, the prophecies point you to him, the gospels declare him openly, the epistles apply his person and work to our lives, and Revelation encourages us to persevere in assurance that he is coming back, and bringing heaven with him when he comes.

The Bible is God’s revelation of his character, purpose, and plan, lived out in real history, told through story, applied to those to whom it is given. The Bible is God’s very Word, breathed out by him. The Bible is the revelation of the Savior of the world. It is not a handbook, it is a cosmic drama with real-life players. It is full of glory, and sacrifice, and blood, and betrayal, and failure, and redemption. So much for Basic Instructions…

If you use that phrase, I’d encourage you to reconsider your view of this great book. It is no syllabus. It is no manual. It is no handbook. It is God’s revelation of himself, and it is glorious. Can your textbook live up to that?

  •  Psalm 138:2 I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word.

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