Fiction in a Buffered Word (Link)

recognizing christ charles taylor

I have a new post up at In it, I discuss Charles Taylor’s idea of the modern person as a ‘buffered self’ and how this enhances the importance of fiction in our lives.

Also, I will be making an official post to announce this soon, but I have migrated all of my content from this blog over to the new site…which means Tides and Turning will be going away soon. So if you like following this blog, you’ll want to subscribe to the blog on the new site. I will be much more active in posting to the blog than I have been on this site in the past year. And it’s on a fancier server and all that good stuff.

In addition to the blog, we’re planning on posting a weekly Recognizing Christ podcast beginning in late February. Plus you can download sermons directly on the website.

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